9/20/22. FROM Laura Langdon Hood: I’m sorry to tell you Betty Beck Yoakum passed away early this morning. She had been declining over the past 7 years with
her health,memory loss and finally having difficulty speaking. Her arrangements
will be made tomorrow and I’ll let you know.
Louisville, KY
I was hired as an Administrative Assistant in 1978 and worked for many managers. To name a few, Paul Perconti, Dean Richards, Tom Stuart, Bill Norvell, Rich Leake, Jack Colley, Jim Wallace, Shelley Rodriguez, and Lisa Perkins. We worked hard, but we had a lot of fun also in the good old days.
I retired from Xerox in 2004 after 25 years when the Xerox office downsized from one whole floor on the first floor to basically one room on the 3rd floor and the sales reps started working from their homes.
boy and a girl. My son, Randy Beck, has been working with Xerox in the Service Department since 1985.

I play as much singles tennis as possible, sometimes with my son and college-age grandchildren. I cook as little as possible. I enjoy not having to be somewhere at a certain time every day. I stay busy taking care of my roses and working on projects I never had time to do when I worked.
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